Liz Wiltzen
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What if you committed to a life of magic?



Does your confidence vanish when fear shows up?
Have you lost connection to the magic of possibility?
Do you believe circumstances are more powerful than you?

Wrong script friend. Let me help you write a new one.
And then watch it transform your world.

Welcome to exactly where you're meant to be.


You’ve been letting a limiting voice talk you out of your infinitely creative relationship with life long enough.

Don’t trust it.

I’m here to help you tune into your wise voice—the one that has your back and is conspiring with you to conjure a life of aliveness, wonder and possibility.


Working with Liz is like bootcamp for the soul.
— Lisa Weber ~ Entrepreneur. Dog Whisperer. Badass.

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Tracking Yes Blog

When you connect with your true essence,
your light gets to shine.

Tips, tools and insights designed to support you in becoming your most radiant self.

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Introductory Session

Want to talk about how we can collaborate to create some magic in your life?

Let’s plant a flag for your brilliance and charm the hell out of what’s in your way.

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What is ‘ Tracking Yes ’ ?

How do you tap into your courage and wisdom when anxiety, doubt, and fear show up?

Tracking Yes is a heart-wide-open search and rescue mission—it’s a quest to reconnect you with your sense of freedom, adventure and joy.


Current Episode:

"Restoring Sanity: Practices to Awaken Generosity, Creativity and Kindness" with Margaret Wheatley

April 5th, 2024 - Episode 50

Episode Summary:
Meg Wheatley is the author of 12 books, a social activist, a global leadership and organizational consultant, a Buddhist practitioner and a guide and trainer for Warriors for the Human Spirit.

After a lifetime of activism and a deep understanding of how living systems work, she’s come to realize that life is no longer subject to the kind of interventions that used to be effective.

In today's conversation we explore what’s possible when we follow the threads of curiosity and the mystical in our relationships and work.

Join us for some clear-eyed wisdom about how we can embody our leadership and contribute to a saner world.


“Tracking Yes - A Guide to Everyday Magic” podcast: Listen to All Episodes

The adventure begins when the hero takes a stand.

What Clients Say


Lara O’Connor
Chef. Truth Seeker. Poet.

Liz has the ability to halt the spin of my thinking, help me untangle the deepest roots of my thoughts, see where my agency is and find my inner knowing.

With every single conversation she restores me to my own sacred, unique power.

This feeling of home, where my own self and my own life feel like a safe place to settle into, creates a radical inner shift that lasts.

Sylvie Pepin
Massage Therapist. Yogi. Dreamer.

We all have in us an intention to be more than we are – a heart’s desire. It might be buried deep inside, but it’s there.

Liz’s ability to reconnect you with this true part of yourself and take you from self-doubt to possibility is beautiful and extremely valuable. 

Coaching has helped me see where I have chosen to stay invisible and small. This is not how my story will continue to be.

Natalie Findlay
Artist. Adventurer. Spiritual Warrior.

Liz was my connection to my light as I went through the darkness.

A gift of her patience and perseverance in believing that I would find my way is this: touching the depth of despair has allowed me to open my wings; a rite of passage in a way. Now I can use my wings to fly.

Liz, you gave me a super power for slaying a shit load of dragons. Thank you.

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