Liz Wiltzen

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“Treasure Hunting”

“Treasure Hunting” - created June 14th, 2021

THE MANDALA PROJECT - How it came to life

If you know someone whose day would be brightened by this Mandala, please pass it along!

The Mandala Project: #17

Mandalas aside, I’ve always loved uncovering treasures waiting to be discovered when you move slowly through the world tracking wonder.

It’s like following Alice down the rabbit hole—you’re never sure what you’ll encounter, but life can absolutely be trusted to delight you.

Part of the joy of creating mandalas is building treasures for others to discover.

This particular morning followed a heavy rain that had happened during the night, dislodging several leaves and blossoms from their home base: a bush which was conveniently located right above this gorgeous quartz filled boulder; so the stage and players were already set when Lily and I wandered through.

Once the raw materials are there, it’s a process of moving things around until magic reveals itself, but it’s intuition—not mind—that knows when the magic has emerged.

And while I was doing my thing, Lily was off discovering treasure of her own.

Yay for green ice cream, and for toymakers who care enough about telling a story of delight that it occurs to them to give the happy camper a chartreuse ice cream tongue.


I’m posting one new Mandala every Monday with a few words about how it came to be, and the challenges that arose or insights that emerged in its creation.

Check back here to see the new ones, or subscribe below if you’d like to receive them directly.

< Mandalas 1, 2 and 3, and the story of how the project came to life

< Mandala #16